This book is full of marvelous tidbits about Marquette, Michigan. Located in the Upper Peninsula, Marquette is a special and unique place inhabited by Yoopers. An eclectic and hardy folk, their ways may be strange to outsiders.
For those from Marquette, or the U.P., this book will surely bring forth many chuckles and hours of entertainment as you identify with things like losing your car in the snow or remembering times when things where different, like when there was no such thing as a Yooper Dome.
For outsiders, it will offer an intriguing look at the life of a Yooper, those strange creatures above the bridge and shafted on all the maps you're used to. Check it out, laugh and learn.. Google things up when you're lost, we've got this Internet thing finally figured out... Oh, what's this? I have money waiting in an off-shore account!? Gotta goooooo...